
The human foot is a finely tuned set of joints designed to effectively carry the forces of the body towards the ground during walking or running. Your foot can be adversely affected if its geometry and shape forces it to compensate while you perform activities.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

A common example is when the arch of the foot it is too low (flatfoot). In this case the muscles in the lower leg and foot will have to work more leading to an energy inefficient gait. Subsequently this can lead to pain in the foot and the knee area. In the example of running athletes this can lead to bad performance. In some cases the lumbar spine can also be affected leading to low back pain. Many people with low back pain claim that when wearing orthotic insoles, their low back pain gets better.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

For many years the use of insoles that are tailor made for each patient helps them walk and run better, reducing pain and discomfort at the foot and the rest of the lower limb. At Physiomotive<\/a> we apply a novel assessment of the foot and the forces that travel through it during your activities and we accurately design special orthotics<\/strong> for your feet.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

These orthotics are placed in your shoes and immediately relieve you from pain<\/strong>. They are designed in a way to adjust your body as a whole, leading to better quality of movement.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

If your work involves standing or walking with uncomfortable shoes<\/strong>, you are going to benefit from our orthotic soles as they are going to make you feel as if you are wearing your sneakers at work. If you are a running athlete<\/strong> you will experience a boost in your performance<\/strong> and less overuse<\/strong> of your lower limbs. Book an appointment<\/a> to have a thorough assessment by our specialized in biomechanics personnel.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Here are some occasions when you will definitely benefit from wearing our orthotic soles:<\/p>\n\n\n\n